Instantly Check Phone Line Type - VOIP, Cell or Landline

Find the phone line type in seconds. Check 100 numbers for FREE.

Enter phone number below to check line type

You're in good company

How It Works

The Phone Line Type Checker leverages real-time data from global telecom databases, combining it with advanced algorithms like signaling analysis and pattern recognition. This method helps accurately determine if a phone number is mobile, landline, or VoIP.

Step 1: Enter Phone Number

Input the phone number you wish to check. Our tool will analyze the number to determine its line type.

Step 2: Identify Line Type

Click on the 'Check Line Type' button to find out if the number is a mobile, landline, or VOIP. The tool will provide a clear classification of the phone line type.

Why You Need a Phone Line Type Checker

Improve Call Routing Efficiency

Automatically route calls to the correct department by identifying phone line type (mobile, landline, or VOIP).

Enhance Marketing Campaigns

Target the right audience by segmenting phone numbers based on their line type.

Ensure Correct Number Formatting

Verify and format phone numbers according to international dialing standards.

Prevent Fraud

Identify and filter out suspicious or high-risk numbers, such as untraceable VOIP lines.

Increase Contact Rate

Improve the success rate of outreach campaigns by ensuring you're contacting valid and reachable numbers.

Reduce Costs

Avoid unnecessary charges by distinguishing between mobile and landline numbers for marketing or customer service purposes.

What our customers say

Matt Jennings

“Phone validation is essential for ensuring that your sales development representatives are making the most of their call time. ClearoutPhone ensures that your sales development representatives call only validated numbers.”

Matt Jennings

Head of Sales Operations, Sales Science

Check if number is VOIP, Mobile or Fixed Line For Free

No Credit Card Required

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a phone line type checker?
A phone line type checker is a tool that helps you determine whether a phone number is associated with a mobile, landline, or VOIP service.
How does the Phone Line Type Checker work?
Our tool queries global telecom databases and uses advanced techniques, including pattern recognition, to accurately identify whether a phone number is a mobile, landline, or VOIP.
Why is it important to know the type of phone line?
Knowing the type of phone line helps optimize your communication strategy. For example, businesses can reduce costs by distinguishing between mobile and landline numbers and prevent fraud by identifying suspicious VOIP numbers.
Can the tool detect VOIP numbers?
Yes, our tool can accurately detect VOIP numbers, which are often used in internet-based communications. We offer 14 other line types of a number.
What is the difference between VOIP, landline, and mobile numbers?

  • Mobile numbers are associated with cellular networks and allow for mobility.

  • Landline numbers are fixed to a physical location and use traditional wired infrastructure.

  • VOIP numbers are internet-based and can be used on multiple devices, often for cheaper communication solutions.

Is the Phone Line Type Checker free?
Yes, you can check up to 100 phone numbers for free with our tool. For larger lists or more advanced features, we offer paid plans.
Can your tool check phone line types for international numbers?
Yes, ClearoutPhones’s Line Type Checker supports 240+ countries globally, allowing you to identify the line types of international numbers.
What information is provided alongside the phone line type?
In addition to identifying the line type, the tool enriches information such as country code, phone status (valid or invalid), carrier type, DST and more.